SURNAMESBEGINNING WITH THE LETTER "L"LAAVEN, T.I., farmer, sec.4, P.O. Aspelund. Was born in Norway 1830. Came to America in1850, settling in Dane County, Wisconsin, where he remained until1860, when he moved to this county, where he now owns 213 acresof land. Married Gudrid Sveinsdatter Finneberg in Dane County, in1854. Their children are -- Maria, Edward and Wilhelm. They aremembers of the N.E. Lutheran Church. History of Goodhue County,Red Wing, MN 1878. LAGERGREN, O.P., LAGERSTROM, John, LAMROD, T. LARSON, Edward, LARSON, Gustaf, LARSON, Gustaf, LARSON, J.L., LARSON, John, LARSON, L.E., LARSON, Lorentz, LARSON, O.N. LARSON, Ola, (Civil War)
farmer, sec. 4, P.O. Vasa.LARSON, P.G.,
farmer, sec. 17, P.O. Vasa.LARSON, Peter A.,
farmer, sec. 11, P.O. Vasa.LARSON, Peter L.
farmer, sec 5, P.O. Vasa.LARSON, Thom,
farmer, sec. 26, P.O. WastedoLAUGHANE, John,
farmer, sec. 29, P.O. Hay Creek.LAUVE, Gunnar H.,
farmer, sec. 14, P.O. WanamingoLAUVER, Isaac, (Civil War)
contractor and builder. Bornin Union county, PA. on June 20, 1832. Moved to Mifflin County,PA in 1850. Came to Red Wing August 10, 1855. Enlisted in Co. E.,3rd Minn. V.I. October 10, 1861, re-enlisted January 1863;honorably discharged December 10, 1865. Commenced his presentbusiness in 1875. Married Helen Ohlstrom on August 16, 1866. Shewas born in Norway, April 17, 1842. Ida, Augusta, Minnie, May andLillie Belle are their children. History of Goodhue county, RedWing, 1878.LAWERSON, John,
farmer, sec. 33, P.O. Cannon Falls.LAWRENCE, C.M.,
book and stationary, Red Wing.LAWRENCE, R.,
books and stationary, Red Wing.LEACH, Albert,
teamster and thresher, village.LEE, A.D.
feed and sale stable.LEE, A.J.
dealer in general merchandise, CannonFalls. Was born in Boone county, Illinois, July 15, 1853. In 1856he with his parents, moved to this County, settling in Leontownship, where his parents still reside. In 1875, Mr. Lee movedto this town, since which time he has been engaged in his presentbusiness, marrying Isabella Larson on Mary 19, 1876. She was bornin Norway, November 25, 1853. Their only child, Joseph was bornJune 13, 1877. They are members of the Lutheran Church. Historyof Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.LEE, Johannes Bottoffson, farmer, sec.33, P.O. WastedoLEE, John, Jr.,
farmer, sec. 28, P.O. WastedoLEE, John, Sr.,
farmer, sec. 32, P.O. WastedoLEE, Joseph, farmer, sec.9, P.O. Cannon River Falls. Owns 308 acres worth $40 per acre.Was born in England on August 13, 1805, where he marriedElizabeth Thompson, September 21, 1832. She was born October 26,1803. Came to America in 1850, settled near Rochester, NY,engaged in blacksmithing until 1853, when he moved toIndianapolis, Indiana. November, 1855 came to this state, settledin Cannon Falls; carried on blacksmithing one year, then moved tohis present farm. Their only daughter, Mary was born in EnglundFebruary 18, 1839 and died September 18, 1846. They are theoldest couple now residing in this township, and can distinctlyremember the battle of Waterloo. History of Goodhue County, RedWing, MN 1878.LEE, Ole, J.
farmer, sec. 32, P.O. WastedoLEESON, J.T
., farmer, sec. 34, P.O. Lake City.LEONARD, E.B., farmer,sec. 24, P.O. Zumbrota. Was born in State of NY February 28, 1818.Married Marilla Leonard October 26, 1841; she was born inFranklin county, NY on August 26, 1822. Followed farming until1855, when they moved to Wisconsin. May 10, 1862 moved to thiscounty, lived in Zumbrota village one year, then moved to hispresent farm, owns 160 acres of land. Their children are -- EmmaJ., Ernest, Joel E., Mary H., Cynthia, Willie and Mabel A.History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.LEWIS, Andrew, farmer, sec.28, P.O. White Rock, was born in Sweden, in 1834. Came to Americain 1857, first settling in McGregor, Iowa. Came to this county In1864 and the following spring moved his family to this farm,where they have since resided. Owns 559 acres of land worth $50per acre. Married Carrie Johnson, March 4, 1865. She was born inSweden in 1844. Their children are -- Anna N. born February 5,1866 and Emily M. born February 14, 1870 and one child deceased.History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN, 1878.LEWIS, Charles, farmer, sec.15, P.O. Zumbrota. Born in New Hampshire 1818. Moved to Oneidacounty, NY 1828. Married Cornelia Hart in 1840. She was born inOneida county, NY July 15, 1820. Came to this county in April of1864, and settled in Red Wing. 1865, moved to Wacoota; residedthere until 1872, then settled on his farm of 155 acres. Theirchildren are Henry and John. Are members of the M.E. church.History of Goodhue county, Red Wing, MN 1878.
., farmer, sec. 8, P.O. Frontenac.LEWIS, Malvin, farmer, sec.25, P.O. Hader. Owns 80 acres of land worth $3,200. Was born inLower Canada in 1824. Came to the United States in 1843; lived anumber of years in Green county, Wisconsin. In 1862 he moved tothis township and settled on section 26, where he remained untilthe fall of 1865; then moved to where he now resides. MarriedNancy Newell in Grant county, Wisconsin on March 21, 1852;Lililan E., now Mrs. Hayford, residing in Stanton township;Earnest M., Lemuel N., Ida E. and Clara M. History of GoodhueCounty, Red Wing, MN 1878.LEWIS, Martin, miller,village.LIDGERDING, William, farmer, sec.16, P.O. Red Wing.LIE, Stephen J.
farmer, sec. 16, P.O. AspelundLIEN, Sophie
, Sophia was the first child of Johnand Anne, born in Norway on August 12, 1856, just before theyemigrated and settled in Dodge County. Sophia began her life withthe Norwegian patrynomic name of Sophia Johnsdatter, but when herfamily came to America, they took the name Lien. She grew up onthe farm in Dodge County. Sophia married Gunerius Anonby on July17, 1877. Gunerius was born in Smaalens, Aremark, Norway on May28th, 1845, with the name Gunerius Iverson. He had come toAmerica in 1867 for his health and settled on a farm near Kenyonin Goodhue County, the northeast quarter of section 22. This farmis the one that remained in the family for over 100 years.Gunerius and Sophia had five daughters, and finally a son George,in 1902. Having his son take over the family farm was not to be,however, for George died in 1903. In 1898, Gunerius & Sophiahad taken over her father¹s farm in Dodge County and sold theKenyon farm to their daughter Johanna's husband, Julius Kyllo.Gunerius died on January 15th, 1920, in Kenyon. Sophia liveduntil September 26, 1937. At that time she was living with adaughter in Minneapolis. Both Gunerius and Sophia are buried inthe Kenyon City Cemetery. Information for this biography fromGoodhue County, Minn. records; Kyllo Family Bible (most of thewriting was done in the same handwriting and the same ink, so itwas probably copied from some other source); Family notes byJohanna Kyllo found at Kyllo farm home; Dairy of Maren Anonby;Jay Steinberg; personal recollection of some of Sophia'sdescendants. Submitted by, John J. farmer, sec. 32, P.O. Spring Creek
groceries, Red Wing.LINDBERG, August,
farmer, sec. 18, P.O. Red Wing.LINDBERG, Hokan C., dealer inimported ale and porter. Born in Sweden October 16, 1844.Emigrated to St. Paul, Minnesota in 1869, where he resided until1872, when he moved to Minneapolis. In 1874 he came to Red Wing.Married Sophia Bjornquist on October 25, 1874. She was born inSweden October 27, 1848. Carl Victor born August 10, 1875 andMinnie born October 8, 1877 are the names and births of theirchildren. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.LINDBLOM, A.,
farmer, sec. 8, P.O. Vasa.LINDBLOM, Sven,
farmer, P.O. WastedoLINDELL, Charles,
farmer, sec. 1, P.O. White RockLINDERHOLM, Nels,
farmer, sec. 24, P.O. Cannon Falls.LINDGREN, Gustaf, boots andshoes, Red Wing.LINDHOLM, John,
farmer, sec. 9, P.O. Vasa.LINDHOLM, P.T.,
teacher, lives on sec. 17, P.O. Vasa.LINDQUIST, M.Q.,
jeweler, Red Wing.LINDQUIST, P.J.,
farmer, sec. 24, P.O. VasaLINNIE, F.J.
groceries, Red Wing.LITTLE, Frederick F.
dry goods, groceries, etc.Trout Brook Tannery, P.O. Red Wing. Born in NH December 22, 1833.Went to Maine in 1843, where he was married June 20, 1853 toNancy C. Williams. She was born in Maine in 1838. Have sevenchildren -- Ellen, Fred W., Marietta, Carrie, Frank L., Harry,Ada and Howard. Has been engaged in business here one year.Family attends the Episcopal church. History of Goodhue County,MN, Red Wing, 1878.LOCKE, J.B., Honorable,
farmer, sec. 15, P.O.Zumbrota. Born in NY, March 28, 1832. Married Mary A. Eames,March 26, 1857; she was born in Maine August 3, 1832. Came tothis county April 12, 1858. Selected a claim on sec. 11. In 1860he moved on his present estate, consisting of 320 acres. Was thefirst chairman of the board when the town was organized, and hasfilled the same office since, was treasurer, also town clerk,supervisor and school superintendent. During the war wasenrolling officer for this township and Belle Creek. Secured apost office for this township in 1864. Was elected to thelegislature in 1865. Martha E., Laura L, Nonio, Climena I., andMary A. are their children. Lost one son, Curtis E., who was astudent at Carlton College, Northfield, Minn and was drowned inCannon River May 16, 1877. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing,MN, 1878.LONAR, Thor Gudleikson,
farmer, sec. 2, P.O. Hader.LOTHRUP, Josiah, (Civil War) farmer, sec.10, P.O. Zumbrota. Born in Quebec in 1839. Emigrated to thiscounty in 1856 with his father, Howard, and family and pre-emptedthe 1/4 section of his present estate, upon which he settled,where the family still resides. In 1862 enlisted in Co. H, 8thMinn Infantry and participated in the battles of Tah-ka-ko-ku-ta,Little Missouri, Overalls Creek, Wilkinson's Pike or battle ofthe Cedars and skirmish near Murfreesboro, December 1864, towhich time this regiment was with Sully's expedition. AtColumbia, S.C., was organized in the 3rd brigade, 1st division,23rd A.C.; participated in an engagement at Newburn and GoldsburgR.R. known as battle of Kingston, mustered out and discharged atSt. Paul on July 11, 1865. Married Sarah E. Libby in 1867. Shewas born in Illinois in 1848. Mary O., Josiah H. and Charles E.are their living children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing,MN 1878. LOWATER, E.O. groceries,Red Wing.LUNDE, Botolf B.,
farmer, sec. 35, P.O. Wanamingo/LUNDE, Einar B.
, farmer, sec. 34, P.O. Spring CreekLUNDBERG, J.A.,
farmer, sec. 30, P.O. Red WingLUNDBERG, Sven, farmer, sec.11, P.O. WastedoLUNDELL, M.
farmer, sec. 34, P.O. Cannon Falls.LUNDELL, Peter H.
farmer, sec. 9., WastedoLUNDGREN, J.N.,
farmer, sec. 34, P.O. Vasa.LUKE, William,
farmer, sec. 17, P.O. Red Wing..LUTH,Charles, farmer, sec. 31, P.O. Frontenac.LUTH, J.F., farmer,sec. 31, P.OP. Frontenac.LYONS, John, retired.Born in Ireland in 1826. Came to this country settling in theState of New York and emigrated to Belle Creek township, thiscounty in May 1856. Removed to Red Wing in 1858. MarriedKatherine Blee. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.NEXT HOME